Our F.A.Q.

Do you have a question? You've come to the right place.

This FAQ section is designed to answer all your questions about our methodology, the expertise of our facilitators, the different types of support we offer, and much more. With answers that are both precise and clear, we lift the veil on everything you need to know about Color Profil.

If your question remains unanswered, don't hesitate to contact our team of experts. Dedicated to your development and success, we're here to support you in this human adventure.


Explore frequently asked questions for further details.

The Color Profil method is a behavioral analysis tool that describes the natural behavior of individuals and how they adapt to their environment. According to this method, each individual is a unique blend of 8 behavioral styles represented by colors.


The method uses dominant colors (red, yellow, green, blue) to represent different behavioral styles. It helps you better understand and communicate effectively with others.

We offer a comprehensive range of personality tests designed to meet a variety of needs. Whether you're a manager looking to hone your leadership skills, a human resources professional seeking tools for more effective recruitment, or an individual searching for your personal path, we've got the right test for you.

We've got the right test for you.

It allows recruiters to better understand the natural behavior of candidates, thus facilitating the selection of the most suitable people for a given position.


Yes, it is very useful for team training, leadership development, and conflict resolution.

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